Written By Faris Zakaria
Saving electricity?
There's a connection between electricity bills and environment. Why's so? Isn't electricity a 'clean' energy for the environment?
To produce electricity, we need power plant. Power Plant is a facility which produce electricity, it can be converting energy or producing it. There are many kinds of it (coal, nuclear, thermal, wind, wave, and solar), and the most common type that we can see in Indonesia is Coal-type, even though there are also wave, wind, and thermal, but the most common plant type is Coal-type.
Coal-type power plant need to burn coal to produce electricity. From this, we know that this type is not environmentally friendly, because when it starts burning coal, it will produce air pollution, which is not good for both the environment or the people around it. After it burns every coal, it will produce coal ashes waste, which will pollute the water and the land.
The pollution effect
For the environment, pollution from coal-type power plant will trigger global-warming, because most of the gas is carbon dioxide. Sea level will increase, extreme weather, and at worst, species extinction.
For the people around it, air pollution could trigger cancer, heart disease, lung disease, and brain damage. The most common case is lung disease because they breathe in the middle of mercury and other particles that are bad for our lung!
From here, we can have a conclusion that, when we use a less power, we produce less amount of air pollution, and we save the environment!
How to prevent this in the future?
In the future, all governments in the world should change their power plant to the environment-friendly power plant (thermal, solar, win, and wave) because it will produce clean energy for everyone.
Coal Power Impacts. (2015, November 15). Retrieved June 21, 2020, from https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/coal-power-impacts
T. (2018, August 02). Why Save Energy? Retrieved June 21, 2020, from https://www.saveonenergy.com/learning-center/post/why-save-energy/