Written by Faris Zakaria
What is Eco-friendly lifestyle?
Eco-friendly lifestyle is a lifestyle which promote green-living in every aspect. It focuses on not harming the environment. It's not only turning off your lamp when you don't need it--more than that, it's a way of life.
Be minimal
Stop buying things you don't need. It will prevent stop creating trash. Not only help the environment, this will also save your money
Save your electricity
You can start by turning off your electrical machine if you don't use it. Not only saving your money, this behavior will also save the nature. Using less electrical means less electrics that are produced. If you sleep, turn off the lamp. It's a good start
Start planting
You can help our earth by start planting. If you have enough land, try plant some trees. It will provide you oxygen, prevent erosion, and even fruits! If you don't have a free land to plant, you can plant some plants in a pot or polybag. It will be fun to plant your own vegetables or fruit.
It's better to make a compost than you throw your food leftover in trash bin. If you have started planting, you can just put your leftover in your plant. That will help your plant fertilization. You can also process the compost first if you like.
Reduce, reuse, recycle
Don't use too many plastic. You can reduce the use of plastic bag by using fabric bag, plastic straw by stainless straw, and many more. If you use those items, you're not only reducing, but also reusing. In the end, you can recycle the unused item if it couldn't be repaired or used anymore.
Drive less
If it's not so important, you can go by walking or cycling. Driving means we produce some amounts of carbon monoxide. You can also use public transportation to reduce it.
Buy local
You should buy locally, because the closer you buy, the less gasoline used, and the less carbon dioxide produced. Not only for the environment, it's also good for your local economy.
Be careful of your waste
Please be careful of your waste. Some waste can be poisonous for the water. You can't just throw ink, paint, or any other chemical to the ground because it will be absorbed by the ground and polluted the water source underground.
Don't waste your water
Clean water is important for our life. Don't waste it. You can collect the rainwater and use it for
activities that do not need clean water, like watering the plants.
All those behavior will help you to apply an Eco-friendly lifestyle. It's not that difficult to apply those behavior on our life. Let's start Eco-friendly lifestyle today!
Rahman-Jones, I. (2019, April 22). How to be more eco-friendly in everyday life. Retrieved June 21, 2020, from https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-47990742